Flight of Fancy

What’s running in my mind?


What images do I see in my head?


What do I feel in my heart?



I’m thinking of you and me — together…


Sunny and bright days, laughing, running around in meadows of fresh green grass.

You’re running ahead of me and I’m trying to keep up with your pace. I realize I’m a terrible runner but I can clearly tell that you don’t actually mind, and it’s not a bad thing.

You’re stopping from your tracks, looking back at me — waiting… And because I am taking a little bit longer, you decide to just run back towards me, your arms wide open, ready to envelope me in a very tight hug.

I am not going to refuse, because I’ve been dying to feel it. And so you will embrace me, which will make me stop from running and I will giggle while I catch my breath, taking in some air and breathing it out.


Then your hands are slowly cupping my face and you’re planting a kiss on my lips—moist, warm, and very much full of love… Yes, I can taste it… The love in your kiss, so strong yet calming and assuring all at the same time. And I’m gladly kissing you back, slow and sure, trying to let the love be released in my kiss as well. And we would just feel every strand of that love, undeniably there… Even rainbows could not match up with its beauty—the beauty of our love.


You and I—oh, how wonderful!



I’m meeting your gaze, your eyes searching mine…and I’m getting lost in yours, trying to capture every reflection to get a glimpse of how you look at me.


Do you find me beautiful? Because in my sight, beauty is not enough to describe how I see you…


My heart’s beating loudly, I’m sure you can hear it! Can you hear it as it shouts your name? Your name tastes sweet on my lips and I love speaking it over and over..



On cloudy or rainy days, I see us sharing a hot cup of coffee, or perhaps tea (‘coz you love tea), and we both listen to raindrops as they fall above the rooftop, and we’re snuggling next to each other… Our couch seems to be a little crowded for the both of us, but that’s how we like it. Just an exact fit. Just like you and I, an exact fit for each other.


And then you’re grabbing my hand and pulling me outside the yard. And we’re starting to play under the rain. Screw the mud! Screw the wet floor! We’re loving the rain and you’re starting to dance, and you’re teaching me a little because I don’t know how to. I am laughing uncontrollably. You look so wonderful… So wonderful…


And then under the rain, with all my heart, I am shouting how much I love you! You’re smiling back and you’re shouting even louder of how much you love me.



And then we don’t care about everything else…




Yeah, that’s what’s running in my thoughts…


Hear Me Out

Just let me say this.


Is there gonna be a time

that when I look into your eyes

you would freely give

yourself away—to me?


Nothing to cloud your thoughts.


Nothing to shield your feelings from me.



I am not here

to hurt you.


But it seems I am…


We’re good for each other,

and bad for each other,


inasmuch as we make each other happy,

we hurt each other, too…



Le Coucher


Hello, you.


I heard you’re getting married. Just saw a random pre-wedding picture of you and her.


You seemed happy. Her skin glowed against the last rays of light from the sunset… And she seemed happy,too…


Several years ago, it was what we planned — to be wed… But now, you’ll be wed to someone else. Someone who’s not me.


The sunset? It was part of it, too. You knew how I love sunsets…


I can still remember the way you whispered in my ear that you’ll marry me under a sunset…


It’s ironic that I am looking at a very new photograph and yet it seems like it’s all too familiar, which makes me feel nostalgic and melancholic at the same time…









Why am I even writing this in the first place?

Prodigal Love


Give your best.

Give him your best.

Love him the best way that you can…

And if in the end things don’t work out–of course with all that you are, you’re hoping that it will– at least, you can tell yourself that you did not lack.

Just love him wholly, truthfully, and faithfully..

…without holding anything back.

They say it’s too much.

But I say, it’s love…

..a prodigal kind of love…