Dream Wedding

I don’t know how it would feel,

How I would look—

I don’t know exactly,

Because it’s just here all in my head.

I don’t know when it becomes real,

How much it would differ from the books.


I’ve seen several weddings before.

A man and a woman so deeply in love,

People I personally know, while some I do not,

Decide to spend a new chapter of their lives.

Till death do them part,

Spending the rest of their days

In each other’s embrace.


And wedding after wedding

that I’ve been able to witness,

I cannot help but wonder,

When is mine gonna happen?


Will there be a brave man

Who will be valiant enough

To pop the golden question to me,

“Please, will you be my wife?”


And just thinking of it

Brings tears to my eyes.

Why, you may ask?

It’s because I’ve got two things in mind.

It’s either it would happen


it would not…

The former is glorious.

The latter, glorious still,

but with a different form.


So I sit here, my pen does the talking,

My heart does the thumping,

And my mind does the thinking.


I see butterflies flying,

Flowers gracefully scattered on the floor,

The smiling faces of people…


I see myself in a delicate,


white dress…


… But…


Who could he be?

How does he look like?



Or does he only exist in my dreams?

The Pursuit


The world is flooded with Your grace and mercy,
submerged in Your love and warm embrace.
Yet the one You love—
the apple of Your eyes—
still prefers to leave You behind.
The one You love hurts you
more often than not,
clings to things that would easily fade.
and to this day that You have made
You still choose to love her—no matter what…
Tears fall from Your eyes
as You see her run further and further,
but You’re still willing to pick her up,
dust her off and love her again
every single time she fails You.
Her future is bright and always will be
if she would just trust and surrender—
there is still a lot to learn.
And that is what it is all about—
Your love,
and Your forgiveness…
Ever persistent,
Gracious and consistent;
One that’s second to none,
the kind that continues longer than forever.
And yes, truth abides,
She can never ever
outrun You.